[Show and Tell]

As humans, we are naturally curious. How are COVID cases changing?Where are hotspots and why? Wouldn’t it be amazing if you had a system that could go find the answers to those questions?

Reserve your spot to see, John Bohannon, Primer’s Chief Science Officer, and Charlene Chambliss, Senior Machine Learning Engineer at Primer, use Primer’s Natural Language Processing (NLP) platform to surface the latest COVID research, and help us make sense of large documents like the Mueller Report. They’ll end with visionary applications of NLP that show you the possibilities the technology has for your work and life.


John and Charlene will show and tell…

  • Our point of view on NLP and societal impact.
  • Data ingest of COVID 19 data turned into actionable insights and answers.
  • How you can build and use Primer’s platform to answer your own questions.