Primer Search
Get insights from multiple data sources by asking free-flowing and iterative questions in chat, and access lists of relevant and fully sourced documents and key sections.
Generative summaries
Uncover richer insights faster with generative summaries that extract key points from millions of documents across sources, in your desired format.
Get precise and contextual answers to your questions while ensuring compliance with document level permissions and sentence-level sensitivity markings.
Context-rich visuals
Surface trends, patterns, and insights faster with interactive AI-generated visuals that infer insights based on your search, including entity profiles, timelines, and network graphs.
Intuitive experience
Refine your visual by date and data source, further explore insights in a free-flowing chat, and set intelligent alerts that notify you what’s changed.
Granular citations
Feel confident in your results by tracing your visuals back to the relevant documents and sections used, and use Primer Delta’s citations lists to write your reports faster.
Stay organized
Save AI-generated visuals to your project to pick up later and keep tabs on evolving insights.
Semantic alerts
Get near-real time alerts that understand your intent and provide contextual updates when relevant changes are detected.
Comprehensive and timely reports
Generate text and export your visuals—including graphs, entity profiles and timelines—to rapidly create comprehensive reports.
Our proprietary technology is 10X more accurate than current off-the-shelf models.
Invest 100% of your time on analysis, by reducing manual tasks like searching across siloed data sources and compiling reports.
Our technology decreased compute cost to run a LLM on-premise up to 50% for certain tasks.
Procurement Vehicles
Primer's technology is accessible through streamlined procurement, offering flexible pricing and foundational NLP capabilities. Tailored for government and defense needs, our solutions ensure compliance, operational optimization, and comprehensive support for seamless integration.